Cyber security refers to the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. Cyber security may also be referred to as information technology security.

Connected devices and the vast amounts of data they generate continue to grow exponentially, with forecasts calling for 75.4 billion connected devices by 2025. But in a world of amped-up connectivity comes an increased risk of cyberattacks.

Today’s customers want cybersecurity addressed for many reasons, like operational downtime, customer data loss, impacts on lifecycle costs, and brand reputation — any one of which can seriously impact customer loyalty and the bottom line. And because cybersecurity incidents can cripple an organization in minutes, customers now want suppliers to provide evidence that the products they sell comply with industry cybersecurity standards.

Cyber Security Consultancy

We at Delphi Consulting as a Cyber security consultant perform a variety of roles within the cyber security field. They play both the attacker and the defender in computer systems, networks, and software programs. Seeing what weaknesses there are and figuring out how to strengthen systems to prevent hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities.

What services does Delphi offer as a cyber security consultant?

  • Cyber Security Essentials for SME
  • Cyber Security Essentials for Start-ups
  • Cyber Defense Center
  • Cyber Technological Assessment & Gap Analysis
  • Cyber Technology Enhancement

Cybersecurity Consulting

  • Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Cybersecurity Strategy
    • Cybersecurity Compliance
    • Cybersecurity Risk Management
    • Third-Party Security Assessment
    • IT Service Management
  • Information Protection & Business Resiliency
    • Critical Data Classification & Protection
    • Business Continuity Management
    • Secure Software Development Framework
    • Cloud Security Assessment
  • Automation/Technology
    • Policy Management & Compliance
    • Awareness Maturity Enhancement
    • Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
    • Data Classification & Leak Prevention

Why choose Delphi as your computer cyber security consultant?

There are many (MANY!) cyber security consultant firms out there. But their business model is usually the following:

  1. Perform a security assessment.
  2. Based on the results, resell as many security products and solutions for a commission as they can.
  3. Profit quickly, leaving your actual security posture where it was, with a few ‘security solutions’ installed.
    In essence, these are not cyber security consultant companies but efficient security product resellers who use their penetration tests as a business development tool.

Delphi Consulting does things differently.

  1. We perform security gap assessment and assess the current security situation & security requirements of the organization.
  2. We use drive-through and walk-through approaches for performing gap assessment.
  3. Before we proposed anything, we met or communicated with the team responsible for security and found out what was most important to them. Amongst ourselves we came up with a simple measure to gauge their appetite for change in security services: the five C’s of security. Have a go yourself – the question is “Prioritize these components of security service”.
    • Compliance – cooperation or obedience: Compliance with the law is expected of all.
    • Consolidation – to discard the unused or unwanted items and organize the remaining.
    • Centralization – to bring or come under central control, especially governmental control.
    • Cost – the price paid to acquire, produce, accomplish, or maintain anything.
    • Convenience – anything that saves or simplifies work, adds to one’s ease or comfort, etc., as an appliance, utensil, or the like.
  4. Facilitate the organization in planning the critical cyber security areas that are immediately required and what can wait or can be implemented in a planner manner.
  5. Provide recommendations based on short-term action and long-term plans required for the organization to obtain a real sense of cyber security.
  6. We will not recommend purchasing any particular commercial products or solutions. You as an organization will be free to choose based on your budgetary provisions.
  7. We will make the organization achieve an adequate and reasonable level of security.

Protecting Your Future in a Digital World

We at Delphi have a team of Cybersecurity Experts to help your secure your IT Infrastructure & Digital Assets. Contact our Experts today!


Why Delphi Consultancy?

Specialised Expertise

We offer access to specialised knowledge and experience in a specific field or industry. Our expertise can help you make informed decisions and navigate complex challenges.

Time and Cost Efficiency

We help save your time & money by providing efficient solutions to problems. Our experts help you to streamline processes, reduce inefficiencies, and help in cost savings and faster results.

Fresh Perspective

We bring an objective and fresh perspective to your issues or projects to assess situations and offer unbiased recommendations. This leads to innovative and creative solutions.

Risk Mitigation

We help you mitigate risks by providing risk assessment and management strategies. We can identify potential pitfalls, compliance issues, & regulatory challenges, helping you make informed compliant decisions.